coconut truffles

packed with

perfect for homemade Christmas gifts, this makes a generous amount – enough to keep some for yourself and a delicious edible gift! a nice alternative to traditional truffles, be sure to use dairy free chocolate if you are avoiding dairy completely.

makes 20 truffles

  • 200g dark chocolate (minimum 70percent solids)
  • ½ can of full fat coconut milk (200ml)
  • 3 tbsp of raw coconut oil
  • 2-3 tbsp of raw honey to taste
  • 2 tbsp of almond nut butter
  • 2 tbsp of desiccated coconut
  • raw cacao powder / desiccated coconut for coating

make and do

  • - roughly chop the dark chocolate into small chunks
  • - place the chopped chocolate, coconut oil and nut butter into a medium sized bowl and set to the side
  • - in a small saucepan heat through the coconut milk and then pour over the chocolate, oil and almond butter
  • - with a spatula gently stir until the chocolate and oil are melted through until combined
  • - stir through the desiccated coconut
  • - cover the bowl and pop into the fridge overnight (or minimum 4 hours)
  • - pour some cacao powder or desiccated coconut onto a wide set bowl
  • - remove the bowl from the fridge and using a small spoon, scoop out a small amount of the mixture and roll it into a ball in the palms of your hands and then roll in the cacao powder / desiccated coconut. cold hands help at this stage, give ‘em a rinse with the cold tap!
  • - repeat until all the mixture is used up (I admit this is a little messy, but what the hell, embrace it!)
  • - return to the fridge to firm up – about twenty minutes
  • - enjoy at room temperature (little squidgy) or from the fridge (firm!), whichever your preference!
  • - store in the fridge for up to a week or freeze for a month